I think it fair to ask why few immigration reporters don't have the time or expertise to provide the kind of information we regularly receive from Mr. Guzzardi. Is it an unsustainable work load, or are their shortcomings something taught them by their editors acting on the orders of their publishers and other media management types? This column in particular should be distributed as widely as possible, and Americans should call their GOP members Congress and demand to know why these "law makers" sworn to uphold our laws are permitting this Cuban-born ingrate now heading our laughable Department of Homeland Security to play them for fools and put citizens' lives in increasing danger.

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Joe Guzzardi does a great job of digging deep enough to provide readers with an understanding of the complexities of immigration law and policy that are often missed by most reporters. In the world of journalism today, few immigration reporters have the time or expertise to go beyond the superficial.

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